Welcome to The Nomadic Witch!

Welcome to The Nomadic Witch! My site acts as a resource for all things travel and witchy. If you're looking for affordable travel tips, starting your spiritual journey, or need a writer, then...

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Ready to Go Freelance? Here are 8 steps for getting started

8 Steps to Get Started as a Beginner Freelance Writer Going from small-time to big-time as a beginner freelancer is no easy feat. TBH, I’m still figuring it out, and it’s not always a...

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Welcome to a series about my favorite Tarot Cards. I have been reading for five years now, and Tarot Cards have become somewhat of an obsession of mine. The Lovers: Simple description: More in depth: Common Symbolism: I love The Lovers because who...

Welcome to The Nomadic Witch!

Welcome to The Nomadic Witch! My site acts as a resource for all things travel and witchy. If you're looking for affordable travel tips, starting your spiritual journey, or need a writer, then you've come to the right place. I invite you to stay...

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Ready to Go Freelance? Here are 8 steps for getting started

8 Steps to Get Started as a Beginner Freelance Writer Going from small-time to big-time as a beginner freelancer is no easy feat. TBH, I’m still figuring it out, and it’s not always a straightforward, linear path.  My first gig was writing...

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How to travel Europe for cheap

Europe travel has been a lifelong dream of mine... but making it an affordable reality is a much different story. I can promise you that with a little bit of cash and a little bit of finesse, it is possible to live out your travel fantasies. I...

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How to travel as a witch

My journey into witchcraft began after I graduated college, but I've had an intense interest in the mystical arts my entire life. I'm still a beginner witch, but I'm proud of where my practice is today: a solid foundation, and one that is deeply...

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